Email Series: Learning and Leading Together

I come from servant leaders, and I know that there is no end to my capacity to learn or lead.
— Regina Jackson, in BlackFemaleProject Podcast episode, Take Risks to Transform

Dear Clients, Partners, and Friends,

We will not soon forget the circumstances that birthed this email series, which ultimately created a space of shared reflection and gratitude among our extended community over the past 12 months. We consider this platform a gift, and we look forward to continuing to engage and serve in this way throughout 2021.

As we close out the first quarter of this new year, our team at PJS Consultants is acknowledging your sacrifice, commitment, and leadership. You knew that your team, family, and community needed you. You remained focused on the big picture and met the moment in several ways, like designing new strategies to serve youth; identifying creative ways to mobilize funding for those most in need; coordinating the distribution of resources and information; and bringing people together for virtual events. And when it was necessary to do so, you let go of ideas and approaches that were suddenly no longer viable in order to make way for new innovations demanded by rapidly shifting realities. 

Today, we hold with you the cumulative grief of the past year—the combined impacts of experiencing loss on a personal level while also experiencing a massive collective transition that has insisted on new and different ways of being. And we see and honor the courage and adaptability your work has required. 

Despite facing unprecedented changes for over 12 months, you know exactly where you stand. This does not mean that there is no pain or questioning, but rather that when your doubts and fears arise, you trust that an answer or direction will be revealed. Your calling has been affirmed and your commitment deepened through these multiple crises and the opportunities they present for refinement, reflection, and change.

In our research, we discovered these 10 Leadership Resolutions for a Successful New Year from the Center for Creative Leadership, and we’re sharing them for your consideration. At PJS Consultants, 2021 is and will continue to be a year of expansiveness. For us, success looks like creating mental and emotional space for recovery, clarity, and growth. 

Respectfully yours,
Precious and the PJS Consultants Team

Access our entire email series, ‘PJS Consultants is here for you

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